Gears of War Clock
Humanity is a fragile race. A simple bacterium or a single nuclear mistake can spell the end of our civilization as we know it. Whether you’re on Earth or on an inhabited planet such as Sera, a threat like the Locust Horde can bring humanity together to preserve our species. Contribute to the cause with the Gears of War Clock! This timepiece, adorned by Gears of War art, is a Windows gadget, designed to be placed wherever you want on your desktop. Tell the time and land the perfect kill streak easily by glancing at this one-of-a kind virtual clock. Set a name or specify a time zone on the settings menu, among many other customization options available. Save Sera in your own small way by downloading the Gears of War Clock today!
Download “gears-war-clock.7z” gears-war-clock.7z – Downloaded 1010 times – 516 KB