It’s a tired phrase, but it’s worth mentioning one more time: the future is now. We have devices that know where we go, we have technology that can detect emotions — and we have gadgets that can tell us the time by speaking. Featuring the Blade Talking Clock! This cool Windows gadget comes straight from the future, and can be placed anywhere on your desktop. While it’s convenient for quick glances of the time, what this gizmo does best is to actually tell you the time, by speaking! No need to even glance at this gadget — just edit its settings, and let it tell you the time in hour increments, or to remind you of alarms or specific times that you can set yourself! Blade Talking Clock is indeed a glimpse of our awesome future!


Blade Talking Clock Blade Talking Clock settings

Download “blade-talking-clock.7z” blade-talking-clock.7z – Downloaded 3523 times – 286 KB

How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10