A smartphone is a great companion tool. Besides connecting you to the world, it grants you access to many common amenities that, before, required separate gadgets. While this is convenient, it’s usually not a need when you’re on your desk, or on your laptop computer — that’s why it makes sense to equip your machine with those tools, too. Blue Stopwatch can be a great start! This convenient Windows gadget can be placed anywhere on your desktop, and acts as a very simple but robust stopwatch. No need to pull out your phone for that moment where you’ll need to time something quickly; just click on your desktop, and start counting! Simple controls also ensure easy operation of this compact, useful tool. With Blue Stopwatch, you’ll always be on time!


Blue Stopwatch Blue Stopwatch settings

Download “blue-stopwatch.7z” blue-stopwatch.7z – Downloaded 1671 times – 10 KB

How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10