Do you need to know certain details whenever you are using your computer? If your answer to this question is yes, then you know very well that this gadget...
Network Monitor II
People usually have trouble trying to understand their current network connection because what they see on screen are not enough. More often than not, they are just aware that...
UX Speed Meter
This simple looking gadget can be placed on any side of the user’s screen. The user can be sure that the gadget will give what is needed. Get to...
Ferrari CPU Meter
Who does not dream of owning a Ferrari someday. For the lucky ones who already have their very own Ferrari, this does not mean that they cannot accumulate designs...
App Launcher
There are instances when you would like to keep your desktop clean so as much as possible, you do not place their shortcuts on the desktop. There are times...
If you would like to download a variety of gadgets with different themes so that your gadgets will closely resemble each other, you can choose this Viblack pack. You...
Sys Control
The system control gadget obviously lets you turn off your computer, restart or log off ver easily. You can even let it sleep while you are out. The great...
CPU Meter III G.3
There are a lot of PC & System gadgets that are available. You know that it will be hard to choose just one. If you would base it on...
Anime PC Meter
If you are a huge anime fan, there is a very big chance that you are going to appreciate this Anime PC meter a lot. While the usual PC...
Secret Pack CPU
The main reason why this is called a secret pack CPU is because it monitors and displays the current ratings of the CPU but then users are usually mystified...