All things must come to an end, and that includes your PC’s running time. Eventually you have to make the system rest and shut it down, but the question...
Firespeed Gadgets
Do you want to feel like a high-octane race Formula One driver, or maybe a coveted drag racer? Do you want to experience the thrill of fast moving cars,...
Hard Drive Monitor-HD9-V3
Are you a pack rat? Do you just love the idea of storing vast swathes of data, making sure they’re secure for the foreseeable future? Or maybe you just...
CPU Clock
Multipurpose tools are the best. Even if you have only this single tool, it can potentially become several more tools, granting you more flexibility, and the ability to adapt...
Blue Alienware Clock and CPU Meter
Are you a video game enthusiast? Do you yearn for the latest digital experiences, search for the best game deals, and ogle at the fastest hardware? Well, it’s no...
CPU-Mem Meter
Knowing the status of a computer is ironically becoming harder and harder over the years. Before, we were simply able to know how much load a computer was in,...
Marathon Recycle Bin
Can’t seem to organize your computer properly? Do you need a tool helper for managing your virtual trash? Do you prefer it always on your desktop, within constant easy...
Top Process Monitor
Are you a systems administrator, or are you aspiring to be one? Do you want to know what goes on inside your enigmatic computer? Maybe you want something convenient...
CPU and System Memory Meter
Computers are powerful, but they’re also strangely mysterious. To the uninitiated, it looks like a slab or a box that does magical things: connect you to the Internet, watch...
Punisher Clock and CPU
Are you a fan of The Punisher? Do you admire the antihero’s gritty and dark aesthetic? Do you want that kind of design on your desktop — and yet...