Softdrinks is one of man’s best and worst inventions. While drinking sugary fluids isn’t the best thing for your health, it’s immensely refreshing and satisfying, quenching your thirst almost instantly in one sip. However, you don’t need to think about your health when all you need to do is look at the Coca Cola Clock! Place this refreshing Windows gadget anywhere on your desktop, and never be lost about the time again. Of course, you can just look at this virtual clock for its design: featuring the Coca Cola logo, this gadget is sure to make you feel completely refreshed and rejuvenated, just with one look. No need to feel guilty about sugar — with the Coca Cola Clock, all you need is a glance!


Coca Cola Clock Coca Cola Clock settings

Download “coca-cola-clock.7z” coca-cola-clock.7z – Downloaded 1212 times – 111 KB

How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10