Complexity is a beast. It takes a lot of effort to tame, and once you gain control over it — now what? You’ve got all these buttons, all these confusing designs, all these over-engineered trinkets and doodads that will just weigh down your mental boat and become ultimately unproductive. What you want is simplicity. Many times over, being simple will trump almost any complex solution. And this is what Control System with Clock aims to do. True to it’s word, Control System with Clock… is a control system with a clock. Featuring the common power buttons with a digital clock on top, this Windows gadget can be placed anywhere on your desktop. And because it’s so simple and clean, Control System with Clock is sure to improve your life. Try it out and see for yourself!


Control System With Clock Control System With Clock gadget Control System With Clock settings

Download “control-system-with-clock.7z” control-system-with-clock.7z – Downloaded 5570 times – 129 KB

How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10