Date Time
Need to know the date and time at a glance? Is that tiny text on your Windows status bar simply not enough? No need to bring out a table clock and calendar — just download Date Time! Place this handy Windows gadget wherever you want on your desktop, and gain access to a simple but very useful date and time display. No more fumbling or squinting: with this gadget, all you need is a glance at your desktop. A comprehensive settings menu can completely change the look and feel of this virtual display, so Date Time can be tweaked to look exactly the way you want it!
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Are there updates to this “Date TIme” clock gadget? This gadget is nice, and gives me what I was looking for in a desktop clock display, However I have a problem with it displaying the DOY (day of year), apparently it is counting from zero, there is no day zero so it displays DOY minus one (it’s one day off). For example today is April 12 or day 112, but this gadget displays it as day 111.