Email began as a simple message exchange protocol during the early days of the Internet. But what was once a fanciful representation of real world mail is now one of the backbones of modern technology. Today, you can’t be productive online without an email — and DWmail Notifier helps you keep track of it! Designed as an elegant Windows gadget, this tool can be placed wherever you want on your desktop. Set up one or several email accounts through its settings menu, and be instantly notified of incoming mail, right as you receive them. Best of all, this gadget is already at your desktop, so you’ll be informed instantaneously! With DWmail Notifier, you’ll be emailing to the future in a breeze!


DWmail Notifier DWmail Notifier gadget DWmail Notifier settings

Download “dwmail-notifier.7z” dwmail-notifier.7z – Downloaded 11392 times – 70 KB

How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10