Slowly but surely, computer technology is getting better and better. This simple web page you’re viewing now couldn’t have even been shown on a computer just fifteen years ago. And fifteen years from now — who knows how advanced our technology will become? Unfortunately, this kind of progress means that it can become hard to keep up with what’s going behind the scenes. And thankfully, HUD Top Five is here to help! This interesting Windows gadget is designed to be placed anywhere within your desktop, and, true to its name, neatly displays the top five programs that use the most resources on your computer. Choose whether to rank by CPU, RAM, or disk usage within the settings menu, and ensure that HUD Top Five lets you be on top of your computer today!


HUD Top Five HUD Top Five gadget HUD Top Five settings

Download “hud-top-five.7z” hud-top-five.7z – Downloaded 875 times – 40 KB

How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10