There nothing quite a well-organized desk. Knowing exactly where to find whatever office tool is a pleasant experience. Sometimes, though, arranging your virtual desktop can become much harder than expected. Good thing, then, that there are tools like My Computer Dark to help you out! This is a convenient Windows gadget, designed to be placed anywhere you want on your desktop. Once you plop it down, be amazed by its plethora of organizational functions — get one-click access to your Computer, your local area network, and any and all storage disks on your computer! With its dark theming, you can customize the icons freely in its settings menu, ensuring its aesthetic will fit perfectly with any desktop theme. With My Computer Dark, organizing just became a breeze!


My Computer Dark My Computer Dark gadget My Computer Dark settings

Download “my-computer-dark.7z” my-computer-dark.7z – Downloaded 7612 times – 323 KB

How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10