Tools Panel Extended
Sometimes, the things we need the most are the farthest from us. While this applies to more profound things in life, it also applies to the little things: scissors...
La Baloche Clock
Clarity is an underrated design element. You can have all the bells and whistles in the world, but when the information isn’t clearly depicted, then your design has failed....
Space Clock Green
Are you building a green-themed desktop, but can’t seem to find the right pieces? Do you need a time piece to augment your computer, but can’t seem to find...
CPU and System Memory Meter
Computers are powerful, but they’re also strangely mysterious. To the uninitiated, it looks like a slab or a box that does magical things: connect you to the Internet, watch...
Market Report
One of the secrets to success is efficiency. There are lots of things around us that aren’t as efficient as we can make them. Lots of untapped potential usually...
Purple Calendar
Sometimes, all you’ll ever need is a simple solution. There are times when you’ll feel that there’s no need for complex implementations, no need for comprehensive tools, no need...
Punisher Clock and CPU
Are you a fan of The Punisher? Do you admire the antihero’s gritty and dark aesthetic? Do you want that kind of design on your desktop — and yet...
Shutdown Control
Are you looking for an easier way to control power within your computer? Is the Start menu power options simply not enough? Do you wish to cut down unnecessary...
Speed Test
Just bought that brand new PC? Maybe you want to see how better it is than your last computer? Or maybe you want to monitor your computer’s performance, and...
Anime Clock
Anime is an interesting world. Human creativity, skill, and ingenuity made works of fiction a seeming reality, making ideas and fantastic concepts something we can watch in our computers...