Mobility center
Sometimes, the PC & System gadgets seem to be over the top especially when you place it on your desktop and you would like something that will allow you...
Analog Clocks 6
Are you sick and tired of seeing all the digital clocks that can serve as your clock gadget? It is true that digital clocks will allow you to see...
Sphere Timer
You may think that you need to download separate gadgets for your clock and your alarm but what if you can get one gadget that will offer you that...
Glossy Calculator
Searching for a simple and very non fuss calculator gadget that can be placed on the side of your desktop anytime you would need to? This is one simple...
World Times Zones
There may be some people who scoff at the thought of knowing the time from different parts of the world but for you, it may be vital. It may...
Quad / Dual Core Usage
How much are you using for your cores right now? Do you think that you are able to detect things properly? You have to detect your CPU usage well...
Date Flip Clock
When you watch some movies, do you like seeing those clocks that they sometimes use wherein the numbers flip? It may be a bit hard to look for this...
Sunligth World Map
Do you find it fascinating that not all parts of the world are bathed with light at the same time? This is because of the earth’s structure and generally...
Free Disk Space
Would you like to see the current memory that you are using up with the different system drives that you may have? How about the free space that your...
The search for a gadget that can multi task may end as soon as this gadget is discovered. Moin’s is a very simple gadget that can be used for...