They say a picture paints a thousand words. On the same space, what text can convey is only a fraction of what photographs can tell you. Simply visiting a museum, or viewing your family photo album, is all you need to appreciate images. While you can still do that in real life, now you have a digital option — Slide Show Large! Place this entertaining Windows gadget anywhere you want on your desktop, and gain access to an automatic slide show, right at your home screen! Set the folder to watch, slideshow duration, picture transition type, and shuffling options, all on its settings menu. And since this gadget is bigger than usual, enjoy the wider viewing angle of your best pictures — all thanks to Slide Show Large!


Slide Show Large Slide Show Large settings

Download “slide-show-large.7z” slide-show-large.7z – Downloaded 12626 times – 437 KB

How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10