There is nothing like getting a good WiFi signal. When you’re connected to a strong network, you’ll simply do everything faster, and with more confidence — you don’t need to worry about drop outs or intermittent access, after all! Unfortunately, finding out the exact status of your WiFi is not a very simple affair. But with the Undisputed VS 2 WiFi, you can find out easier than ever! Designed as a Windows gadget, you can place this tool wherever you want on your desktop. Simply glance at the gadget, and you’ll find out whether you’re connected to a WiFi hotspot, and what your signal strength is. No more guessing and fumbling! Match this gadget with the other Undisputed gadgets, and with its bold and powerful aesthetic, you’re sure to never lose connection again!


Undisputed VS 2 WiFi

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How to Install Desktop Gadgets for Windows 10