Weather Monitor
There are so many details that you probably want to know about the weather. There are a lot of weather gadgets that you may see but the best weather gadget can be this one since it will give you all the details that you need. From the current temperature that you will see from the various details that will be very helpful for you, you know that this is one weather gadget that you ought to have at your desktop at the soonest possible time. The icon that you will see on the side of the screen will also let you know what the current weather is.
Download “weather-monitor.7z” weather-monitor.7z – Downloaded 10578 times – 1 MB
The list of cities in the included accuweather list is not complete … but it’s not hard to construct the entry for your location. The syntax is Continent|Country|State|city …. new york, new york is NAM|US|NY|new york (NAM=North America) … it should not be hard to figure out continent and country codes from the included file … or by guessing
Yeah, I just found a city in my state and typed in my city in CAPS instead and it worked fine.