Monitor details about your computer or your laptop now with the use of this gadget. The color of this gadget is red which makes it very easy to see...
Power Idler
Going to the control panel in order to check and change the power settings of your computer or your laptop. All the settings can be changed easily with the...
Glassy CPU
Want to have a cool looking gadget that will not display the usual numbers as what you can see in other gadgets that will display your computer’s current configuration....
System Control
Managing controls of the computer can now be easier to do with the use of this very simple and colorful gadget that can be placed anywhere on screen. The...
Gauge Meter
A desktop gadget that can have various functions in one can be very helpful especially for users who would still like to have a lot of desktop space. The...
Hibernate Button
You do not even have to worry about what this button is for. You can easily tell that this will allow your computer to go into hibernate mode without...
System Information
This is one gadget that will place all of the details that users could possibly need to know. Users will know everything about their operating system without having to...
Glassy Network
The cool looking gadget can be adjusted depending on the type of size that the user may need. It can be made big so that the information that it...
Antique CPU Meter
The modern world has changed a lot of things about people’s lives and sometimes people feel the need to just go back to how things were in the past....
All CPU Meter Temperatures
The exact CPU workload of your computer will be displayed with the use of All CPU Meter. From the various cores that are being used by your computer, the...