World Weather
Accurate weather forecasting can be expected from World Weather. The small frame of this gadget makes it easy to place around anywhere on the desktop. This can also be...
Power Idler
Going to the control panel in order to check and change the power settings of your computer or your laptop. All the settings can be changed easily with the...
Tissot Clocks
Are you a fan of the timeless and elegant look for Tissot watches? There is a chance that you are and whether or not you actually have a watch,...
Glassy CPU
Want to have a cool looking gadget that will not display the usual numbers as what you can see in other gadgets that will display your computer’s current configuration....
All in Touch
A gadget that will place all of the sites that you visit can be very helpful because you do not need to go to your chosen site anymore. Do...
Trash Dump
Searching for the right recycle bin that can change the current recycle bin that you have can be a very fun task if you have these trash bins as...
CV BG Collection
Users would want to check out this collection because aside from the cool look of this set of gadgets, it can also perform all of the tasks that people...
CV Trash
The way that the current recycle bin looks like may already look too generic for some users’ liking so in order to play that up and change that fact,...
Simple Clock V2
This very simple looking clock may be what users are looking for so that it can fit in with any sort of theme that will be placed on the...
DTU Multi RecycleBin
This is a multifunctional Windows gadget that you can use in order to place all of the files that you do not need anymore. The great thing about this...